Percentage Difference Calculator

Number 1 :
Number 2 :
Percentage Difference :

The Percentage Difference means the difference between Number A and Number B, will find the percent difference between two numbers. Difference means to subtract one value from another(A-B), Average is the value halfway between A and B it equals to (A+B)/2. the difference as a Percentage is |(A-B)|/((A+B)/2)%. So the formula is:

The Percentage Difference formula:

Percentage Difference = |(A-B)|/((A+B)/2)%

For example, A = 3, B = 6, Percentage Difference = |(3-6)/((3+6)/2)|% = 66.66666667%

3 Compared with 6 66.66666667% Difference
7 Compared with 6 15.38461538% Difference

For example, A = 22, B = 33:

  1. The formula for finding percentage difference is (|V1 - V2| / ((V1 + V2) / 2)) × 100.
  2. First subtract V1 by V2. With this problem, the difference is -11.
  3. Next find the absolute value of the difference. In this case, the absolute value of the difference is 11.
  4. Afterwards, add V1 and V2 together. The result is 55.
  5. Now divide the sum of the last step (55) by 2. The result is 27.5.
  6. Next divide the absolute value of the difference found earlier (11) by the result of the last step (27.5). The result is 0.4.
  7. Finally, multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage difference: 40%. provides you helpful and handy calculator resources.