Hyperbolic equation Calculator

x0 :y0 :
a  :b   :
Hyperbola Focus F:
Hyperbola Focus F':
Asymptotes H'L :
Asymptotes L'H :
Hyperbola Eccentricity :

In mathematics, a plural hyperbolas or hyperbola or hyperbolae is a type of smooth curve, it has two pieces, named as components or branches, they resemble two infinite bows and are mirrow images of each other. the hyperbola lying in a plane.

Hyperbola formula:

Hyperbola graph:

Hyperbola equation and graph with center C(x0, y0) and major axis parallel to x axis. If the major axis is parallel to the y axis, interchange x and y during the calculation.

Hyperbola calculator equations:

Hyperbola Focus F X Coordinate  =  x0 + √(a2 + b2)

Hyperbola Focus F Y Coordinate  =  y0

Hyperbola Focus F' X Coordinate  =  x0 - √(a2 + b2)

Hyperbola Focus F' Y Coordinate  =  y0

Asymptotes H'L: y=(b/a)x + y0 - (b/a)x0

Asymptotes LH': y=(-b/a)x + y0 + (b/a)x0

Hyperbola Eccentricity  =  √(a2 + b2) / a

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