Horsepower to Amps Unit Calculator

Horsepower= hp
Efficiency= %
Power factor= %
Voltage= volts
1 Ph. Amps= A
1 Ph. FLA= A
3 Ph. Amps= A
3 Ph. FLA= A

Horsepower to Amps Unit Formula:

1.FLA = ( (1 Ph.Amps) x 1.25 )

1 Ph.Amps = ((( (746 / hp) / V ) / E.F ) / P.F )

3.FLA = ( (3 Ph.Amps) x 1.25 )

3 Ph.Amps = (((( (746 / hp) / 1.732 ) / V ) / E.F ) / P.F )

where, FLA - Full Load Amps, P.F - Power factor, E.F - Efficiency, V - Volts. provides you helpful and handy calculator resources.