Exact Age Calculator

Enter your date of birth (Hour, minutes, and seconds are optional) in the left column, and get your exact age:
You are born on:
Year: (yyyy)    
Month: (mm)  
Day: (dd)        
Hour: (hh)       
Minute: (mm) 
Second: (ss)  
Accurate Normal
You are...
... Years Old or...
... Days Old or...
... Hours Old or...
... Minutes Old or...
... Seconds Old

Want to know your Exact age? Simply enter your birthdate (year, month, day, Hour, minute, Second,) and this Calculator will tell you! It calculates both your Exact aget and Accurate aget What you need is input the blank box and select "Accurate" or "Normal" then click "Submit" get the result.

Here you can get age calculator by birthdate.

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