Generates Italian Fiscal Code

Nome/i - Name(s):Cognome - Last Name:Sesso - Gender:
Male Female
Data di Nascita - Birthday:
Date: Month: Year:
Luogo di Nascita (città italiana o stato estero)
Birthplace (Italian city or foreign country):
Omocodia - Omocodes:Separatore - Separator:

Codice Fiscale - Fiscal Code:

This is just an example for educational purposes. Don't use these numbers for anything ever.

The Italian fiscal code card, officially known as Italy's Codice Fiscale, is the tax code card in Italy, similar to a Social Security Number (SSN) card in the United States. The tax code in Italy is an alphanumeric code of 16 characters. The card serves to identify unambiguously individuals residing in Italy irrespective of residency status. Designed by and for the Italian tax office, it is now used for several other purposes, e.g. uniquely identifying individuals in the health system, or natural persons who act as parties in private contracts.

The number is issued by the Italian tax office. Each person in the past was handed a plastic card with a magnetic strip, bearing the tax code as well as the surname, given name(s), sex, place and province of birth (or country of birth if foreign), date of birth and date of issue. Today, the tax or fiscal code card has been replaced by a combined Italian health insurance card for qualifying residents which shows an expiration date. provides you helpful and handy calculator resources.