Sum/Difference to Product Trigonometric Identities Calculator

Enter u angle in degree:
Enter v angle in degree:

Sum/Difference to Product Formula:

cosX + cosY = 2cos[ (X + Y) / 2 ] cos[ (X - Y) / 2 ]

sinX + sinY = 2sin[ (X + Y) / 2 ] cos[ (X - Y) / 2 ]

cosX - cosY = - 2sin[ (X + Y) / 2 ] sin[ (X - Y) / 2 ]

sinX - sinY = 2cos[ (X + Y) / 2 ] sin[ (X - Y) / 2 ]

Sum/Difference to Product trigonometry identities calculation is handy and helpful to you.

For example, when x = 1o, y = 2o, sin(1) + sin(2) = 0.052352, sin(1) - sin(2) = -0.017447, cos(1) + cos(2) = 1.999239, cos(1) - cos(2) = 0.000457. provides you helpful and handy calculator resources.